Energy Leadership Index

Complete a simple online assessment that takes about 20 minutes to complete. Once the results are in, you'll be guided through an ELI debrief. Through this personalized session, you'll dive deep into your results and uncover a clear path to awakening your potential, and creating a life in alignment with your work and life goals.


Unlock Your True Potential

  • Be a more effective and inspiring leader.
  • Experience transformation in your relationships, confidence level, and leadership skills.

  • Create collaborative and fun work and family environments.

  • Live your most aligned and authentic life.


ELI can also be used for team development and team building. Once the results are in, the team will be guided through their individual and combined results to develop an understanding of the energy the team is currently performing with when things are going well and when under stress.


ELI can also be combined with an optional 360 feedback survey on your leadership competencies. You can invite your boss, direct reports, co-workers, friends, and/or family to complete the survey. The results help you see how your perception compares to the perception of others that can uncover hidden strengths and potential blind spots.

Transition Coaching

Transition Coaching is a comprehensive process for mastering the changes, resets, unexpected events, challenges, and transitions in your life. Examine who you really want to be, how you want to live, and what you want from your life. Develop a plan to achieve what you desire.


Do you want to...

  • know how you're limiting yourself?
  • decrease fear and increase confidence?
  • reduce your stress?
  • get more satisfaction and fulfillment out of life?


Transition is an inevitable part of life. Some transitions are chosen for us like buying a new house, and others are forced upon us like emerging adulthood. We judge some transitions as good or bad, major or minor. Knowing how to deal with all transitions in your life from a highly conscious perspective will greatly increase your comfort with change and leave you excited and energized for what lies ahead.

Leadership Coaching

To unlock your true potential and performance you need to be engaged and a self-leader first.  Optimizing your potential is about understanding what fuels your performance and what hinders it.


Do you want to...

  • be more engaged in your life and work?
  • reduce your stress
  • confidently make decisions?
  • enjoy more focus and concentration?


Leadership coaching draws on the concept that everything you do in life is a performance. How you show up in your thinking, feeling, and doing impacts the experience you and others around you have in that moment. As Maya Angelou said, people will forget what you said and did, but they will never forget how you make them feel.


Performance is not just how a leader performs in a team meeting, an entrepreneur negotiates a contract, or a manager has a difficult conversation. It encompasses the various inner and outer elements that help or hinder the performance. 


When you're working with the right coach for you, you'll have a source of experience and expertise that you can rely on.

Leadership Development


Do you need help...

  • designing a facilitating strategic planning meetings?
  • improving communication and developing trust within your team?
  • improving employee engagement and a community culture?
  • strengthening your team's ability to successfully lead people through sustainable change?


Sometimes you just need someone with an outside, fresh perspective to help you and your team drive continuous improvement in your business and achieve your goals. I'll help you develop customized solutions to meet the unique needs of your business.


We'll start by developing a clear understanding of your vision, mission, values, goals, challenges, risks, and more. Together we will clearly establish a roadmap focused on what's crucial and practical to help you and your leadership team make progress and produce results.