What do clients have to say?

Melissa's expertise extends far beyond coaching and mentoring into business strategy and execution. She takes the time to understand you, the company's culture and your challenges associated with goals and objectives.  Then she works some kind of magic that helps you create a clear plan for achieving incremental improvement.  She is a dream to work with.


Andrea, VP Service Operations

I'm in my mid-20s having difficulty transitioning from living with my parents to living on my own.  Melissa refers to this as Emerging Adulthood, which I can relate to. She's helped me understand that what I think influences how I feel, and how I feel influences the actions I take or don't take. She taught me how limiting beliefs and my own negative self-talk is holding me back from living the life I want to live, not the life everyone else wants me to live.


Paul, Emerging Leader

The first session I had with Melissa had an immediate effect on me. I was able to see why I was unhappy with my previous career choices. Having this clarity helped me assess all parts of my life. Melissa doesn't have any pre-conceptions or expectations.  I feel like she genuinely cares about me and what's right for me.


Jay, Teacher

Melissa has designed and facilitated several strategic leadership meetings for us. She gave us a master class in Mission, Vision, and Values... the north star we've been missing. She's helped us take complex problems and break them down to develop more innovative solutions. She's also consulted with us on change management, operations management, and leadership development. She stretches the way we think and is an awesome partner to have.


Johnathan, Financial Services

Working with Melissa has been life changing! She helped me do the tough work of facing my imposter syndrome to see what happens when I step into my own power as a confident, heart-led, authentic leader. I'll never forget her advice... "20 years from now, you're not going to remember the details or stressors of your job, but you will remember how you behaved and how you made others feel."  I will never forget these words and truly believe it has helped me be the high integrity leader I strive to be.


Sharon, Small Business Owner

Melissa beams authenticity, energy, and confidence. She doesn't hesitate to call bull...  Every second you spend with her as a client feels bent on making you a better version of yourself. She is an expert leadership coach and a master of organizational dynamics having previously served in executive leadership roles, which means she gets it!


Jamie, Executive Leader